
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Fredrika Bergman


    She was actually going to become a historian like her parents wished, but Fredrika Bergman changed direction and instead became an investigative analyst for the Stockholm C.I.D. She is in her early middle age, has an attractive appearance and a married lover, Spencer, 25 years older than her, and whom she meets every week. In Kristina Ohlsson’s books about her, she usually cooperates with Detective Chief Inspector Alex Recht.

    Further reading

  • Philip Marlowe


    Raymond Chandler’s Philip Marlowe is the archetype of the hardboiled American private eye. Many subsequent authors of crime fiction have found inspiration in the lonesome, brooding detective. Marlowe is a former investigator at the district attorney’s office of Los Angeles County, he is well read, interested in social issues, and he moves as effortlessly in the upper echelons of society as in back alleys and shady bars thanks to his wisecracking repartee.

    Further reading

  • John Bright


    He is a detective inspector in Kentish Town just outside London, where he gets to experience everything from a decomposing female corpse in a bathtub to gang-shootings. John Bright is small of stature, dark, likes to wear a shoddy leather jacket, and (according to author Maureen O’Brien) looks more like a criminal than a police officer. He can be very irritable, doesn’t like travelling and has a patient girlfriend called Jude.

    Further reading

  • Kafa Iqbal


    She was born in Jordan, which her skin hints at: she always seems to have a suntan, according to author Ingar Johnsrud. But Kafa Iqbal works for the Norwegian security service as an expert on religious terrorists when she is introduced to the readers – however, she soon switches to the Criminal Investigation Department of the Oslo Police. She is beautiful, slim, with dark, shoulder-length hair with a parting in the middle. She is also good at karate – and single.

    Further reading