
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Judy Hammer


    Superintendent Judy Hammer is head of a police department in North Carolina, Virginia, where she has to deal with both city crime and stubborn islanders in a short suite of novels by Patricia Cornwell. Hammer is a middle-aged, unhappily married but very fond of her young colleague Andy Brazil, who becomes her right hand. In the books about them, realistic police work is combined with some less realistic elements.

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  • Andy Brazil


    When he appears for the first time, Andrew ”Andy” Brazil is 22 years old and an up and coming news reporter working with the police. In the second book he has been promoted to state trooper working closely together with the middle-aged chief of police, Judy Hammer. The books by the American author Patricia Cornwell are set in North Carolina and Virginia.

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  • Faye Adelheim


    Sexy, blond and successful businesswoman, who since her teens has taken revenge on nasty and dishonest male persons, including by killing them, in books by Camilla Läckberg. Faye Adelheim’s real first name is Matilda, and she has a tragic background which includes an extremely brutal father and dishonest ex-husband, Jack, whom she got condemned for the murder of their child, Julienne – who is still alive.

    Further reading

  • Kinsey Millhone


    Kinsey Millhone is an American private detective with a messy private life. Her parents died in a car crash when she was still young, both her marriages ended in divorce, and her love affairs are brief. On the other hand, she is very good at her job, as a string of novels by Sue Grafton show. She sometimes makes guest appearances in books by other authors.

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