
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Gerlof Davidson


    He is a former sea captain, now more than 80 years old, and in need of a walking stick as well as a hearing aid in his daily life. But there is nothing wrong with his memory and deductive reasoning. Old Gerlof – loosely based on author Johan Theorin’s grandfather Ellert Gerlofsson – is the main character, if not always the real problem-solver, in four lauded detective stories set in an Öland island environment with suggested supernatural elements.

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  • Fredrik Beier


    A Norwegian police detective who struggles against anxiety and guilty feelings after the youngest of his three children has died. His wife, Alice, left him for another man – but author Ingar Johnsrud reveals that Fredrik Beier still has a sexual relationship with her despite having acquired a new girlfriend, Bettina. He is around 50 years old, thin with streaks of grey in his hair, and has a narrow moustache.

    Further reading

  • Harriet Blue


    She is a police detective in Australia, and has specialised in solving sex crimes. Harriet Blue, called Harry by her friends, was born in 1981, is short in stature (155 cm), has blue eyes and black hair, and is well-known for her stubbornness. The only person close to her is her brother Sam. How she solves her cases is described in books that the American author James Patterson and Australian Candice Fox write together.

    Further reading

  • Henry Merrivale


    Sir Henry Merrivale is one of the most entertaining, arrogant and easily aroused figures in the world of crime fiction. He has a high position in the British security services and drives government bureaucrats crazy. In addition, he solves a whole row of so-called impossible crimes in stories by Carter Dickson, a pseudonym for John Dickson Carr. Merrivale has a large family, and in physical appearance resembles Winston Churchill.

    Further reading