
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Reginald Wexford


    Inspector Reginald “Reg” Wexford, who operates in the fictional town of Kingsmarkham in Sussex, was a traditional detective when Ruth Rendell first introduced him. He is overweight and has a foul temper, which leads to conflicts with his superiors, but he has a pleasant and understanding family. Wexford has become more tolerant over the years and has developed into a major authority on human character.

    Further reading

  • Easy (Ezekiel) Rawlins


    Afro-American war veteran, who in the late 1940s established himself as a private detective in Los Angeles. In the books by Walter Mosley we get to follow his life during the decades that follow. For example, Ezekiel Porterhouse ‘Easy’ Rawlins gets married to Regina, they have a daughter Edna and adopt the dumb Jesus. Easy is a pleasant, quick-thinking and nice-looking man and he uses fantastic, contemporary slang.

    Further reading

  • Beate Stein


    A young police detective in Dortmund, blond and with green eyes, and tough enough (or more than so) to survive and thrive in a male-dominated workplace. Beate Stein is a heterosexual feminist who prefers to put men behind bars rather than women, but she never cheats in her work. Through the books by Sabine Deitmer, she has become something of a figurehead for what is known as <i>Frauen-Krimis</i>.

    Further reading

  • Mervyn Bunter


    Second only to Wodehouse’s incomparable Jeeves, Bunter is regarded as the most famous butler of a classic English type. He is Lord Peter Wimsey’s patient and always correct butler in the classic detective stories by Dorothy L. Sayers, and he also carries out with honour some scouting missions. He only loses his temper when the housekeeper washes the dusty, carefully stored bottles of port wine.

    Further reading