
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • John Dortmunder


    He is one of the most cunning thieves in the USA: he carefully plans the most fantastic coups, and has only been caught twice when he was young. Unfortunately, John Archibald Dortmunder is dogged with bad luck: his ingenious plans often go wrong at the last moment for the most incredible reasons. His adventures are described in more than a dozen entertaining – often farcical – novels by Donald E. Westlake.

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  • Barbara Havers


    Contrary to many other female police officers in crime fiction Barbara Havers is not a good-looking woman. Her creator, Elizabeth George, claims she made her deliberately unattractive and unkempt. Havers has cooperation issues and she is moody, stubborn and temperamental. Yet she has a functional working relationship with her complete opposite, the well bred, neatly turned out Detective Inspector Thomas Lynley.

    Further reading

  • Eva Ström


    An energetic young detective inspector, born in Vietnam and adopted in Sweden. Eva Ström had a difficult childhood, but trained to become a police officer, and started to work in Ystad. She is later transferred to Malmö. She works in tandem with Jonny Lilja in the books by Olle Lönnaeus. She lifts weights at the gym, has a compact body, a wide face with slanting eyes, and lives together with her girlfriend Britt in a house in the countryside.

    Further reading

  • V.I. Warshawski


    Victoria Iphigenia Warshawski is a hardboiled private detective in Chicago. She often rescues people on the margins of society and she often she rails against crooked politicians, bigotry, and toned-down political scandals. Her father is Polish and her mother was Jewish – and she has more lovers than she has friends according to the author, Sara Paretsky.

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