
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Fredrika Bergman


    She was actually going to become a historian like her parents wished, but Fredrika Bergman changed direction and instead became an investigative analyst for the Stockholm C.I.D. She is in her early middle age, has an attractive appearance and a married lover, Spencer, 25 years older than her, and whom she meets every week. In Kristina Ohlsson’s books about her, she usually cooperates with Detective Chief Inspector Alex Recht.

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  • Inger Johanne Vik


    She is a criminal psychologist and lawyer who has worked for the American FBI, but who returned to Norway and Oslo where Detective Inspector Yngvar Stubø turns to her for help with a case. Which he gets – and Vik and Stubø get married too, and eventually have children as well in the novels that Anne Holt has written about the couple. Vik is also the main character in the Swedish TV series <i>Modus</i>.

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  • Arsène Lupin


    The name of this gentleman thief and amateur detective is Raoul d’Andrèsy, but he is better known to readers of the French author Maurice Leblanc’s stories as Arsène Lupin. The classic, fiendishly cunning thief is a classic character in mystery fiction, he even dupes Sherlock Holmes (alias Herlock Sholmes). After Leblanc’s death his character has been taken over by other authors.

    Further reading

  • Kathy Mallory


    Kathleen ‘Kathy’ Mallory is a tall, green-eyed, beautiful blonde. She is also – according to her creator Carol O’Connell – a sociopath who can be both callous and ruthless. At the age of six, after witnessing the murder of her mother Kathy Mallory, she lived on the streets until she was adopted by a police officer. Encouraged by him, she becomes a police detective. She doesn’t lack admirers, but lives on her own.

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