
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Anders Knutas


    A detective inspector of thirty years, Knutas is working for the Visby police on the Swedish island of Gotland in a series of books by Mari Jungstedt. Knutas is in his fifties, he is experienced, cautious and detailed in his investigations. He was married to a Danish midwife, Line. They have two children, twins, that in the most recent books are adults. He is devastated by his and Line’s divorce.

    Further reading

  • Henry Merrivale


    Sir Henry Merrivale is one of the most entertaining, arrogant and easily aroused figures in the world of crime fiction. He has a high position in the British security services and drives government bureaucrats crazy. In addition, he solves a whole row of so-called impossible crimes in stories by Carter Dickson, a pseudonym for John Dickson Carr. Merrivale has a large family, and in physical appearance resembles Winston Churchill.

    Further reading

  • Alex Morrow


    Morrow is a working class detective from Glasgow. She is the mother of twins and the protagonist in a series of tartan noir books by Denise Mina. Morrow is not always very forthcoming or correct, but she struggles to combine her job with being a mother and against misogynous bosses and colleagues in a city characterised by increasing class differences and violent crime.

    Further reading

  • Lindsay Boxer


    Homicide investigator with the San Francisco police, a well-built and well-educated lady with a weakness for beer and ice cream. Lindsay Boxer has a collie, Martha, and a husband, Joseph Molinari. She is a central figure in the Women’s Murder Club, a gathering of professional women who discuss (and solve) murder cases in their free time in books by James Patterson and two of his co-authors.

    Further reading