
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Sebastian Bergman


    He was a popular person, respected as a forensic psychologist and regarded as Sweden’s foremost expert on criminal profiling – until he lost his wife and daughter in a natural catastrophe. Then he stopped working, became a sex-addict and generally inaccessible. Sebastian Bergman has, however, reluctantly thawed and allowed himself to be tempted back to his work by Hans Rosenfeldt and Michael Hjorth.

    Further reading

  • Tom Ripley


    He is charming, handsome and cultivated as well as being a ruthless serial killer and psychopath totally lacking in empathy, the main character in five classic thrillers by Patricia Highsmith. Thomas ‘Tom’ Ripley became an orphan when he was five years old, and was brought up by a callous female relative. He later marries the wealthy Héloïse Plisson, but nevertheless has successfully continued his criminal career.

    Further reading

  • Auguste Dupin


    One of the most famous literary figures of all times, and the model for a whole row of fictive problem-solvers – including Sherlock Holmes. This despite the fact that <i>chevalier</i> Auguste Dupin features in only three short stories by Edgar Allan Poe. During the daytime, he shuts himself up in his home, smokes and reads; at night, he often wanders along the streets in his home city, Paris.

    Further reading

  • Patrik Hedstrom


    He is employed as a detective inspector in Tanumshede, western Sweden, but spends most of his time in Fjällbacka, where he lives and – together with his wife, author Erica Falck – solves a row of murder cases in the books by Camilla Läckberg. Patrik Hedstrom is partly based on Läckberg’s first husband, and is described as a ‘completely ordinary guy’, but he is a skilled crime investigator with quite a lot of charm.

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