
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Malcolm Fox


    He isn’t loved by his colleagues in the police force, because his job is to investigate occurrences of professional misconduct. Malcolm Fox is a well-built and divorced middle-aged man, who worries about his father’s delicate health and his alcoholic sister – he, himself, has been a teetotaller for a long time. He works in Edinburgh, where he cooperates with another of author Ian Rankins’ main characters: John Rebus.

    Further reading

  • Konrad Sejer


    Contrary to many other fictional investigators, Inspector Konrad Sejer of the Oslo police is a calm and collected person without stomach problems. His closest friends are his daughter and his dogs, Kollberg is one of them. Sejer is an efficient investigator who solves murder cases in Karin Fossum’s much-acclaimed, internationally renowned novels.

    Further reading

  • Kerstin Holm


    She worked for the Göteborg criminal investigation department and was engaged to a police officer who beat her up. She was transferred to the national crime squad’s A group, which Arne Dahl (pseudonym for Jan Arnald) has written about. When the group was split up, Kestin Holm continued as a police officer, and she has made several guest appearances in Dahl’s books about the international police force OPCOP.

    Further reading

  • Mma Ramotswe


    In Botswana’s capital, Gaborone, Mma Precious Ramotswe runs The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency. The cases she works with, don’t usually concern major crimes, but are more about solving everyday problems for the clients. Mma Ratmotswe loves tea and her husband, the kind J.L.B. Matekoni, as well as their two adoptive children: all tenderly described by the Scottish author Alexander McCall Smith.

    Further reading