
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Gerlof Davidson


    He is a former sea captain, now more than 80 years old, and in need of a walking stick as well as a hearing aid in his daily life. But there is nothing wrong with his memory and deductive reasoning. Old Gerlof – loosely based on author Johan Theorin’s grandfather Ellert Gerlofsson – is the main character, if not always the real problem-solver, in four lauded detective stories set in an Öland island environment with suggested supernatural elements.

    Further reading

  • Cal Weaver


    However many problems you have, author Linwood Barclay lets his private detective and former police officer, Cal Weaver, have it even worse. His son, Scott, dies in what is presumed to be suicide, and when he tries to find out what has happened, he becomes a suspect for the murder of a girl. Later, his wife, Donna, is shot dead. He is middle-aged, worn out and depressed, but despite all his setbacks is an effective investigator.

    Further reading

  • Henrik Pettersson


    A 30-year-old small-time crook, slim, medium blond, unmarried and without empathy. He lives in Stockholm where he neglects several jobs and relaxes with drugs and sex until he gets into very serious trouble in a trilogy of crime novels by Anders de la Motte and is hunted and not only by the police. Henrik ‘HP’ Pettersson’s big sister Rebecca Normén is, however, a police officer and can help him when he has got into trouble.

    Further reading

  • Sean King


    Private detective, who like his colleague Michelle Maxwell was dismissed from the Secret Service after failure as a bodyguard. He is a middle-aged man, with dark greying hair, tall and handsome, explains David Baldacci. Sean King has an easy-going relationship with former colleague Joan Dillinger, but he feels all the more attracted to his working partner Maxwell even though they are in many ways each other’s opposites.

    Further reading