
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Lindsay Boxer


    Homicide investigator with the San Francisco police, a well-built and well-educated lady with a weakness for beer and ice cream. Lindsay Boxer has a collie, Martha, and a husband, Joseph Molinari. She is a central figure in the Women’s Murder Club, a gathering of professional women who discuss (and solve) murder cases in their free time in books by James Patterson and two of his co-authors.

    Further reading

  • Jason Bourne


    David Webb was a professional killer and spy when he suffers a total loss of memory after a mission. The CIA quickly changed his name to Jason Bourne, and have used him for several missions of a not particularly honourable nature. His wife was killed in a bombing, but his sons survived – which he didn’t know at first. Robert Ludlum wrote the first books about him, after which he was taken over by other writers.

    Further reading

  • Fin Macleod


    A middle-aged, ordinary security director and former police detective in Edinburgh, who moves to the island of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides after his son has been killed in a road accident. This has also led to the collapse of his marriage with Mona. Fin Macleod is worn-out and sad, but in the so-called Lewis Trilogy by Peter May is involved in crime cases that he solves thanks to his knowledge of the island and its population.

    Further reading

  • Father Brown


    The Catholic priest Father Brown (he has no first name) is active in England. He has a round, non-descript face and an umbrella which he is always losing; in addition, he usually carries a paper-wrapped package which he finds difficult to keep in order. But he is also one of the best amateur detectives in fiction, the main character in five classic collections of short stories (but no novel) by G.K. Chesterton.

    Further reading