
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Sergeant Santos


    It is not clear what Santos’ first name is. He is the head of the police department in a little community outside the city of Salvador in Brazil, where his creator, Kjell Eriksson, also lives nowadays. Santos’ stout wife is called Zelita and they have five children together. Hardened by the corruption in his native country, he prefers to drink beer and lie in his hammock, but now and then he is obliged to work – and then he is very successful.

    Further reading

  • Fleming Stone


    He is most happy in his well-stocked library – that is where private detective Fleming Stone retires to when he ponders over a difficult case in the novels by Carolyn Wells. And there are a lot – more than 60. And he looks very ‘learned’ too, has an extremely good general education and is also silent, correct and friendly with a ‘sympathetic’ face. It is usually the police who come to him and ask for help.

    Further reading

  • Kerstin Holm


    She worked for the Göteborg criminal investigation department and was engaged to a police officer who beat her up. She was transferred to the national crime squad’s A group, which Arne Dahl (pseudonym for Jan Arnald) has written about. When the group was split up, Kestin Holm continued as a police officer, and she has made several guest appearances in Dahl’s books about the international police force OPCOP.

    Further reading

  • Kafa Iqbal


    She was born in Jordan, which her skin hints at: she always seems to have a suntan, according to author Ingar Johnsrud. But Kafa Iqbal works for the Norwegian security service as an expert on religious terrorists when she is introduced to the readers – however, she soon switches to the Criminal Investigation Department of the Oslo Police. She is beautiful, slim, with dark, shoulder-length hair with a parting in the middle. She is also good at karate – and single.

    Further reading