
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Malcolm Fox


    He isn’t loved by his colleagues in the police force, because his job is to investigate occurrences of professional misconduct. Malcolm Fox is a well-built and divorced middle-aged man, who worries about his father’s delicate health and his alcoholic sister – he, himself, has been a teetotaller for a long time. He works in Edinburgh, where he cooperates with another of author Ian Rankins’ main characters: John Rebus.

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  • William Wisting


    Norwegian author Jørn Lier Horst is a former police officer, and his main character has the same profession: William Wisting is a middle-aged police detective in Larvik. He has a big head, a sharply defined face with high cheekbones, and his hair is going grey. He has been a widower for some years, and even though he likes his job he is looking forward to retiring so he can spend more time with his daughter Line and his granddaughter Amalie.

    Further reading

  • Fin Macleod


    A middle-aged, ordinary security director and former police detective in Edinburgh, who moves to the island of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides after his son has been killed in a road accident. This has also led to the collapse of his marriage with Mona. Fin Macleod is worn-out and sad, but in the so-called Lewis Trilogy by Peter May is involved in crime cases that he solves thanks to his knowledge of the island and its population.

    Further reading

  • Münster


    Whether the middle-aged detective superintendent in the fictive Maadam has a first name, is unknown – his creator, Håkan Nesser, keeps quiet about that. But Münster’s wife is called Synn, and they live in a happy marriage with two children – which doesn’t prevent him from silently admiring other women. He plays badminton for the exercise, and he succeeds his boss Van Veeteren when the latter leaves the police force.

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