
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Yashim Togalu


    He is tall, well-built, aged between 30 and 40, with curly black hair and a nice moustache. He is also a eunuch, and he investigates murders and other crimes in 19th century Istanbul on the orders of the sultan, whom he faithfully serves. Yashim Togalu is not uninterested in women, according to author Jason Goodwin, but he understandably prefers to devote his time to cooking, French novels and mysteries.

    Further reading

  • Sean Duffy


    A young – he was born in 1950 – police detective posted in Carrickfergus in Northern Ireland during the 1980s. The IRA struggles are at their worst, and Sean Patrick Duffy doesn’t have an easy time as a Catholic in the Protestant Northern Ireland, according to author Adrian McKinty. Duffy has dark, curly hair and blue eyes, is temporarily single, likes listening to classical music and has hidden a bit of hashish in his garage.

    Further reading

  • Flavia de Luce


    In the 1950s, the motherless Flavia de Luce was not highly regarded by her father and sisters. She was indeed a rather ordinary and everyday 11-12-year-old (with dental braces), but mature for her age, and determined too, with a mind of her own and smart, and she busied herself with nasty-smelling chemistry experiments. Besides, she solved murders – for which the police resented her – in the books that Alan Bradley has written about her.

    Further reading

  • Liz (Elizabeth) Carlyle


    The quick-thinking British secret agent Elizabeth ‘Liz’ Carlyle has worked since 1994 for MI5 and later MI6. She is – according to author Stella Remington – 34 years old in the first book about her, is 168 cm tall, has brown hair and greyish-blue eyes and is described as pretty. She lives in a simple little flat in London and is single, but she satisfies her sexual needs with a married man that she is not in love with.

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