
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Kerstin Holm


    She worked for the Göteborg criminal investigation department and was engaged to a police officer who beat her up. She was transferred to the national crime squad’s A group, which Arne Dahl (pseudonym for Jan Arnald) has written about. When the group was split up, Kestin Holm continued as a police officer, and she has made several guest appearances in Dahl’s books about the international police force OPCOP.

    Further reading

  • Harriet Vane


    At the age of 29, crime writer Harriet Vane stands trial accused of having poisoned her lover. She is shown to be innocent by Lord Peter Wimsey, who falls in love with her and then in some of Dorothy L. Sayers’ novels courts the independent Vane. She participates in his investigations, but is not interested in a more intimate relationship with him. Eventually, however, she gives in, they get married and have three sons.

    Further reading

  • Harriet Blue


    She is a police detective in Australia, and has specialised in solving sex crimes. Harriet Blue, called Harry by her friends, was born in 1981, is short in stature (155 cm), has blue eyes and black hair, and is well-known for her stubbornness. The only person close to her is her brother Sam. How she solves her cases is described in books that the American author James Patterson and Australian Candice Fox write together.

    Further reading

  • Arto Söderstedt


    A Finland-Swedish top lawyer who tired of his job and moved with his family to Sweden where he trained to become a police officer. After a spell in Västerås, Arto Söderstedt was transferred to the Swedish Police Board’s special A-group unit, which Arne Dahl (pseudonym for Jan Arnald) has written about. After the group was split up, he returned in Dahl’s books about the international police force OPCOP.

    Further reading