
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Conny Sjöberg


    As an experienced detective chief inspector with Hammarby Police in Stockholm, he leads a well-coordinated team of murder investigators who, for example, deal with cases where children have been hurt. Conny Sjöberg is a middle-aged, unusually ordinary man, happily married to Åsa; they have five children. He is described as handsome, empathetic, sensitive and honest. According to author Carin Gerhardsen, he is partly modelled on her husband Ken.

    Further reading

  • William of Baskerville


    The British Franciscan monk from Baskerville is the main character in just one novel – on the other hand, it is the classic <i>The Name of the Rose</i> by Umberto Eco. It is not just the name Baskerville which makes one think of Sherlock Holmes: William’s own ‘Watson’, Adso, describes him as tall, thin, strong, supple, with a crooked nose and sharp eyes, and aged around fifty. And who was a brilliant logician as early as the 14th century…

    Further reading

  • Knut Gribb


    Scandinavia’s busiest detective: he has solved cases in more than 1,500 stories! He was created by Stein Riverton (pseudonym for Sven Elvestad), but was taken over by a large number of other authors. Even Swedes, which is why the police officer from Oslo has also worked in Sweden. Riverton’s Knut Gribb stories were later published with the main character changed to Asbjørn Krag, which is why the two are like each other.

    Further reading

  • Philip Marlowe


    Raymond Chandler’s Philip Marlowe is the archetype of the hardboiled American private eye. Many subsequent authors of crime fiction have found inspiration in the lonesome, brooding detective. Marlowe is a former investigator at the district attorney’s office of Los Angeles County, he is well read, interested in social issues, and he moves as effortlessly in the upper echelons of society as in back alleys and shady bars thanks to his wisecracking repartee.

    Further reading