
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Sebastian Bergman


    He was a popular person, respected as a forensic psychologist and regarded as Sweden’s foremost expert on criminal profiling – until he lost his wife and daughter in a natural catastrophe. Then he stopped working, became a sex-addict and generally inaccessible. Sebastian Bergman has, however, reluctantly thawed and allowed himself to be tempted back to his work by Hans Rosenfeldt and Michael Hjorth.

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  • Yashim Togalu


    He is tall, well-built, aged between 30 and 40, with curly black hair and a nice moustache. He is also a eunuch, and he investigates murders and other crimes in 19th century Istanbul on the orders of the sultan, whom he faithfully serves. Yashim Togalu is not uninterested in women, according to author Jason Goodwin, but he understandably prefers to devote his time to cooking, French novels and mysteries.

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  • Paddy Meehan


    When Patricia ‘Paddy’ Meehan gets a job with a newspaper in Glasgow, she is overjoyed. The job isn’t as much fun as she had hoped, but after having solved a murder case she is promoted to crime reporter – and can solve some more cases. Her family are poor, but she nevertheless manages to live a fairly pleasant private life, writes Denise Mina in her dark detective stories about Paddy.

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  • Molly Cates


    A competent professional middle-aged investigative crime journalist, single mother and author. Molly Cates is primarily driven by a strong passion for justice. She works hard at her job, and even though she is attractive and men like her, all of her relationships have quickly broken up. One reason for this – according to author Mary Willis Walker – is that Cates is convinced that her father has been murdered.

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