
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Henrik Pettersson


    A 30-year-old small-time crook, slim, medium blond, unmarried and without empathy. He lives in Stockholm where he neglects several jobs and relaxes with drugs and sex until he gets into very serious trouble in a trilogy of crime novels by Anders de la Motte and is hunted and not only by the police. Henrik ‘HP’ Pettersson’s big sister Rebecca Normén is, however, a police officer and can help him when he has got into trouble.

    Further reading

  • Salvo Montalbano


    Commissario Montalbano, named by the author Andrea Camilleri for the Spanish crime writer Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, was born in Sicily, and he works in the fictional town of Vigàta there. He is short-tempered and stubborn, which causes a great deal of problems, but deep down he is a hardworking, energetic professional who is in a long-distance relationship with his fiancé, Livia Burlando.

    Further reading

  • Kristina Vendel


    Female detective inspector with the police in Huddinge, Stockholm. Her father had fled from East Germany to Sweden; Kristina Vendel’s marriage to Johan is in trouble and eventually breaks up. She has light hair, grey-green eyes, and studied Philosophy before she started at Police College. She has a tough time at work, and is often abused in several ways, Theodor Kallifatides tells us.

    Further reading

  • Ann Lindell


    Lindell is a detective inspector in Uppsala, Sweden, and the protagonist in a series of much acclaimed novels by Kjell Eriksson. In the first book she has a relationship with a farmer, Edward Risberg. Following their reluctant separation, Lindell has a somewhat chaotic private life at the same time as she is highly efficient, creative and popular at work.

    Further reading