
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Stephanie Plum


    A 30-year-old bounty hunter, quick-witted and sexy, with brown curly hair. She works in Trenton, New Jersey, her creator Janet Evanovich tells us. She stumbled into her profession by chance when she was unemployed. She is single – although she co-habits with her hamster Rex – and has two handsome admirers in the police officer and childhood friend Joe Morelli and her professional colleague Carlos ‘Ranger’ Mañoso.

    Further reading

  • Vera Stanhope


    An eccentric, middle-aged, controversial detective chief inspector in Northumberland and in a series of police novels by Ann Cleeves. Stanhope is a grim lone wolf and workaholic, in part because as a child she was subjected to sexual abuse by an acquaintance of her single father. She still lives in her childhood home, drives her father’s old Landrover and solves murder cases in her own very special way.

    Further reading

  • Dudley Smith


    Police officer in Los Angeles in four of James Ellroy’s novels. Dudley Smith was born in Ireland, he is tall and broad shouldered, and goes all in brown, one could say: he has brown hair cut very short, brown eyes and he usually wears a shabby, brown suit. Few police officers in crime fiction have been described as so unsympathetic: he is an egoistic and violent bully and, it turns out, a murderer. And he is happy with that!

    Further reading

  • Münster


    Whether the middle-aged detective superintendent in the fictive Maadam has a first name, is unknown – his creator, Håkan Nesser, keeps quiet about that. But Münster’s wife is called Synn, and they live in a happy marriage with two children – which doesn’t prevent him from silently admiring other women. He plays badminton for the exercise, and he succeeds his boss Van Veeteren when the latter leaves the police force.

    Further reading