
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Dexter Morgan


    A handsome, friendly and always well-dressed forensic technician, born in 1971 and married to Rita Bennett whose two children he is very fond of. In secret, he is a serial murderer lacking in empathy, as is revealed by author Jeff Lindsay (pseudonym for Jeffry P. Freundlich). Dexter Morgan saw his mother being murdered and is encouraged by his stepfather, who is a police officer, to kill major criminals who have evaded justice.

    Further reading

  • Philip Marlowe


    Raymond Chandler’s Philip Marlowe is the archetype of the hardboiled American private eye. Many subsequent authors of crime fiction have found inspiration in the lonesome, brooding detective. Marlowe is a former investigator at the district attorney’s office of Los Angeles County, he is well read, interested in social issues, and he moves as effortlessly in the upper echelons of society as in back alleys and shady bars thanks to his wisecracking repartee.

    Further reading

  • Stephanie Plum


    A 30-year-old bounty hunter, quick-witted and sexy, with brown curly hair. She works in Trenton, New Jersey, her creator Janet Evanovich tells us. She stumbled into her profession by chance when she was unemployed. She is single – although she co-habits with her hamster Rex – and has two handsome admirers in the police officer and childhood friend Joe Morelli and her professional colleague Carlos ‘Ranger’ Mañoso.

    Further reading

  • Jason Bourne


    David Webb was a professional killer and spy when he suffers a total loss of memory after a mission. The CIA quickly changed his name to Jason Bourne, and have used him for several missions of a not particularly honourable nature. His wife was killed in a bombing, but his sons survived – which he didn’t know at first. Robert Ludlum wrote the first books about him, after which he was taken over by other writers.

    Further reading