
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Christer Wijk


    Inspector Wijk is one of the best-known criminal investigators in Swedish crime fiction. He was born and raised in the fictional town of Skoga (based on the town of Nora in author Maria Lang’s mystery stories); it is there and in Stockholm that he solves most of his cases. He is close to his mother, who still lives in Skoga, and he later marries the singer Camilla Martin – a marriage that is not without problems.

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  • Stephanie Plum


    A 30-year-old bounty hunter, quick-witted and sexy, with brown curly hair. She works in Trenton, New Jersey, her creator Janet Evanovich tells us. She stumbled into her profession by chance when she was unemployed. She is single – although she co-habits with her hamster Rex – and has two handsome admirers in the police officer and childhood friend Joe Morelli and her professional colleague Carlos ‘Ranger’ Mañoso.

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  • Max Wolfe


    Police detective in London, and, according to author Tony Parsons, a very ordinary man with a very ordinary appearance. He is, however, a stubborn and skilful police officer who is hard on the outside and soft on the inside. He is around 30 years old, and his family in the flat in Smithfield consists of his little daughter and a dog. He has sleeping problems and is still in love with his ex-wife. And he is a good boxer…

    Further reading

  • John Dortmunder


    He is one of the most cunning thieves in the USA: he carefully plans the most fantastic coups, and has only been caught twice when he was young. Unfortunately, John Archibald Dortmunder is dogged with bad luck: his ingenious plans often go wrong at the last moment for the most incredible reasons. His adventures are described in more than a dozen entertaining – often farcical – novels by Donald E. Westlake.

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