
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Münster


    Whether the middle-aged detective superintendent in the fictive Maadam has a first name, is unknown – his creator, Håkan Nesser, keeps quiet about that. But Münster’s wife is called Synn, and they live in a happy marriage with two children – which doesn’t prevent him from silently admiring other women. He plays badminton for the exercise, and he succeeds his boss Van Veeteren when the latter leaves the police force.

    Further reading

  • Frank Frølich


    Frølich is a sergeant with the Oslo Police, where – in a suite of novels by Kjell Ola Dahl – he works together with a cynical and disillusioned Chief Inspector Gunnarstranda. The two are each other’s opposites, for better or worse. The somewhat younger, extrovert and impulsive Frølich is especially interested in women which often lands him in embarrassing situations in his private life as well as in his work.

    Further reading

  • Hercule Poirot


    The Belgian private detective Hercule Poirot worked for the Belgian police until Agatha Christie transferred him to England. Poirot is characterised by his vanity, his strong French accent, his egg-shaped head and his impressive moustache, and he solves crime in a string of classic whodunits. Poirot eventually became so famous that <i>The Times</i> published an obituary when Christie killed him off in one of her books.

    Further reading

  • Magdalena Hansson


    After a messy divorce, journalist Magdalena Hansson, together with her adoptive son Nils, moves from Stockholm to Hagfors, where she has got a job with the local paper, Värmlandsbladet, which is struggling to survive with falling sales. She shacks up with her teenage love Petter, and also solves several murder cases together with her police friends Petra Wilander and Christer Berglund in books by Ninni Schulman.

    Further reading