
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Hanne Wilhelmsen


    Hanne Wilhemsen comes from a family of academics, and her father is a professor. She surprises and annoys her family by becoming a police officer. Wilhelmsen is a lesbian, she is good looking and she rides a pink Harley Davidson until she is shot and ends up in a wheelchair. Anne Holt has written a string of internationally acclaimed novels about Wilhelmsen’s professional and private life.

    Further reading

  • Faye Adelheim


    Sexy, blond and successful businesswoman, who since her teens has taken revenge on nasty and dishonest male persons, including by killing them, in books by Camilla Läckberg. Faye Adelheim’s real first name is Matilda, and she has a tragic background which includes an extremely brutal father and dishonest ex-husband, Jack, whom she got condemned for the murder of their child, Julienne – who is still alive.

    Further reading

  • Filip Collin


    A very eloquent, smart and worldly Swedish adventurer and gentleman thief, who eventually also turns out to be a skilled detective. Filip Collin, who often calls himself Professor Pelotard, together with his companions – the Frenchman Lavertisse and the Englishman Graham – is mainly engaged in financial crime in a number of books written by Frank Heller (pseudonym for Gunnar Serner).

    Further reading

  • Lindsay Boxer


    Homicide investigator with the San Francisco police, a well-built and well-educated lady with a weakness for beer and ice cream. Lindsay Boxer has a collie, Martha, and a husband, Joseph Molinari. She is a central figure in the Women’s Murder Club, a gathering of professional women who discuss (and solve) murder cases in their free time in books by James Patterson and two of his co-authors.

    Further reading