
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Judy Hammer


    Superintendent Judy Hammer is head of a police department in North Carolina, Virginia, where she has to deal with both city crime and stubborn islanders in a short suite of novels by Patricia Cornwell. Hammer is a middle-aged, unhappily married but very fond of her young colleague Andy Brazil, who becomes her right hand. In the books about them, realistic police work is combined with some less realistic elements.

    Further reading

  • Konrad Sejer


    Contrary to many other fictional investigators, Inspector Konrad Sejer of the Oslo police is a calm and collected person without stomach problems. His closest friends are his daughter and his dogs, Kollberg is one of them. Sejer is an efficient investigator who solves murder cases in Karin Fossum’s much-acclaimed, internationally renowned novels.

    Further reading

  • Knut Gribb


    Scandinavia’s busiest detective: he has solved cases in more than 1,500 stories! He was created by Stein Riverton (pseudonym for Sven Elvestad), but was taken over by a large number of other authors. Even Swedes, which is why the police officer from Oslo has also worked in Sweden. Riverton’s Knut Gribb stories were later published with the main character changed to Asbjørn Krag, which is why the two are like each other.

    Further reading

  • Adelia Aguilar


    Her full name is Vesuvia Adelia Rachel Ortese Aguilar, she lives in the 12th century and is a doctor. She is sent from Sicily to England to assist in the investigation of the murder of a child, and solves the case. Afterwards, she reluctantly stays in the country. She is dark-blond, beautiful and slim, and the unmarried mother of daughter Allie whose father is a bishop, we are told by Ariana Franklin (pseudonym for Diana Norman).

    Further reading