
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Münster


    Whether the middle-aged detective superintendent in the fictive Maadam has a first name, is unknown – his creator, Håkan Nesser, keeps quiet about that. But Münster’s wife is called Synn, and they live in a happy marriage with two children – which doesn’t prevent him from silently admiring other women. He plays badminton for the exercise, and he succeeds his boss Van Veeteren when the latter leaves the police force.

    Further reading

  • Kafa Iqbal


    She was born in Jordan, which her skin hints at: she always seems to have a suntan, according to author Ingar Johnsrud. But Kafa Iqbal works for the Norwegian security service as an expert on religious terrorists when she is introduced to the readers – however, she soon switches to the Criminal Investigation Department of the Oslo Police. She is beautiful, slim, with dark, shoulder-length hair with a parting in the middle. She is also good at karate – and single.

    Further reading

  • Fredrik Beier


    A Norwegian police detective who struggles against anxiety and guilty feelings after the youngest of his three children has died. His wife, Alice, left him for another man – but author Ingar Johnsrud reveals that Fredrik Beier still has a sexual relationship with her despite having acquired a new girlfriend, Bettina. He is around 50 years old, thin with streaks of grey in his hair, and has a narrow moustache.

    Further reading

  • Magdalena Hansson


    After a messy divorce, journalist Magdalena Hansson, together with her adoptive son Nils, moves from Stockholm to Hagfors, where she has got a job with the local paper, Värmlandsbladet, which is struggling to survive with falling sales. She shacks up with her teenage love Petter, and also solves several murder cases together with her police friends Petra Wilander and Christer Berglund in books by Ninni Schulman.

    Further reading