
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Joseph Zimmertür


    Psychoanalyst who primarily works in Amsterdam, and who has what one can only call a parodically Jewish appearance. But he is described in positive terms by author Frank Heller (pseudonym for Gunnar Serner): Dr Zimmertür is said to be friendly, diplomatic, well-read and with a good general education – and he is a clever detective and a good judge of character. In his private life, he is a bachelor and has no children, and he has friends in the very best circles.

    Further reading

  • Richard Hannay


    He was born in Scotland, learnt German from his father’s business friends, but grew up in South Africa. He was a soldier in the Boer War, but moved back to England in 1914, and was drawn into the first of the adventures that John Buchan wrote about him. Richard Hanney was a spy in the First World War, but subsequently married Mary Lamington, had a son called Peter John, and became a farmer.

    Further reading

  • Conny Sjöberg


    As an experienced detective chief inspector with Hammarby Police in Stockholm, he leads a well-coordinated team of murder investigators who, for example, deal with cases where children have been hurt. Conny Sjöberg is a middle-aged, unusually ordinary man, happily married to Åsa; they have five children. He is described as handsome, empathetic, sensitive and honest. According to author Carin Gerhardsen, he is partly modelled on her husband Ken.

    Further reading

  • Tom Thorne


    Tom Thorne is a middle-aged, somewhat worse for wear detective inspector in London. In the early books he is dull and conventional. However, his creator, Mark Billingham, has subsequently turned him into a multi-faceted character with bad as well as good qualities. He is persistent and conscientious, but he can also be short-tempered, grumpy and prone to making disastrous mistakes. Well into the series he becomes involved with Seargeant Helen Weeks.

    Further reading