
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Endeavour Morse


    Detective Chief Inspector Morse, who operates in Oxford, is one of the most popular detectives of 20th century crime fiction. Several television productions have been based on Colin Dexter’s Morse books. Morse is deeply human, but he is not without faults and is sometimes rude to his sergeant, Lewis, another important character. But he is an astute detective who solves crime in an academic setting.

    Further reading

  • George Smiley


    He is rather fat, has been said to liken a toad, and is married to the beautiful and forever unfaithful Lady Ann Sercombe. Besides which, George Smiley is a lethal agent with the British Secret Service in a suite of novels by John Le Carré. Before retiring, he also becomes the director of the secret service. In some of the early books, he is however more active as a detective.

    Further reading

  • Flavia de Luce


    In the 1950s, the motherless Flavia de Luce was not highly regarded by her father and sisters. She was indeed a rather ordinary and everyday 11-12-year-old (with dental braces), but mature for her age, and determined too, with a mind of her own and smart, and she busied herself with nasty-smelling chemistry experiments. Besides, she solved murders – for which the police resented her – in the books that Alan Bradley has written about her.

    Further reading

  • Gideon Fell


    The enormous Dr Fell, whose physical traits are modelled on G.K. Chesterton, is one of crime fiction’s foremost problem-solvers when it comes to ‘locked-room’ mysteries and other ‘impossible’ crimes. He also works on an ever-growing doctoral thesis about English drinking habits from bygone days, he likes his beer and is married – although his wife is only mentioned in a few of John Dickson Carr’s books about him.

    Further reading