
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Annika Bengtzon


    Annika Bengtzon is the creation of the Swedish author and journalist Liza Marklund and possibly Sweden’s best-known journalist. She is married with two children, but she is also a highly competent crime reporter with a bad conscience on account of neglecting her family. Bengtzon is a complex woman who can be hard and tough one minute and reduced to tears the next. Nevertheless, she is portrayed as a highly capable modern professional woman.

    Further reading

  • Henry Merrivale


    Sir Henry Merrivale is one of the most entertaining, arrogant and easily aroused figures in the world of crime fiction. He has a high position in the British security services and drives government bureaucrats crazy. In addition, he solves a whole row of so-called impossible crimes in stories by Carter Dickson, a pseudonym for John Dickson Carr. Merrivale has a large family, and in physical appearance resembles Winston Churchill.

    Further reading

  • Meyer Meyer


    Max Meyer, of Polish-Jewish extraction, had a curious sense of humour: he named his son Meyer Meyer. The name contributed to the boy becoming the victim of bullies in school. As an adult, he turned completely bald, became a police detective, patient, and is married to the motherly Sarah with whom he has three children. He works in the 87th police district in Isola in police novels by Ed McBain (pseudonym for Evan Hunter).

    Further reading

  • Kafa Iqbal


    She was born in Jordan, which her skin hints at: she always seems to have a suntan, according to author Ingar Johnsrud. But Kafa Iqbal works for the Norwegian security service as an expert on religious terrorists when she is introduced to the readers – however, she soon switches to the Criminal Investigation Department of the Oslo Police. She is beautiful, slim, with dark, shoulder-length hair with a parting in the middle. She is also good at karate – and single.

    Further reading