
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Henrik Pettersson


    A 30-year-old small-time crook, slim, medium blond, unmarried and without empathy. He lives in Stockholm where he neglects several jobs and relaxes with drugs and sex until he gets into very serious trouble in a trilogy of crime novels by Anders de la Motte and is hunted and not only by the police. Henrik ‘HP’ Pettersson’s big sister Rebecca Normén is, however, a police officer and can help him when he has got into trouble.

    Further reading

  • Jonny Lilja


    He is a police officer, but also a gambling addict which means he has to help the mafia. That is not the only problem for Detective Inspector Jonny Lilja in Malmö. When his ex-wife Lena is murdered, he becomes a suspect. However, he pulls himself together, stops gambling and then moves in with his adoptive daughter, Maria. He is, according to author Olle Lönneaus, middle-aged, a bit shabby-looking, with a lined face and wide mouth.

    Further reading

  • Harry Hole


    Harry Hole is Jo Nesbø’s creation. Hole is immensely popular among readers even outside Nesbø’s native Norway. He is a police officer with a serious drinking problem and countless scars acquired in the line of duty. His methods are unconventional, he is headstrong and he is unpopular with both his superiors and his colleagues. The stories about him are more like hardboiled American thrillers than traditional detective stories.

    Further reading

  • Kristina Vendel


    Female detective inspector with the police in Huddinge, Stockholm. Her father had fled from East Germany to Sweden; Kristina Vendel’s marriage to Johan is in trouble and eventually breaks up. She has light hair, grey-green eyes, and studied Philosophy before she started at Police College. She has a tough time at work, and is often abused in several ways, Theodor Kallifatides tells us.

    Further reading