
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Auguste Dupin


    One of the most famous literary figures of all times, and the model for a whole row of fictive problem-solvers – including Sherlock Holmes. This despite the fact that <i>chevalier</i> Auguste Dupin features in only three short stories by Edgar Allan Poe. During the daytime, he shuts himself up in his home, smokes and reads; at night, he often wanders along the streets in his home city, Paris.

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  • Yashim Togalu


    He is tall, well-built, aged between 30 and 40, with curly black hair and a nice moustache. He is also a eunuch, and he investigates murders and other crimes in 19th century Istanbul on the orders of the sultan, whom he faithfully serves. Yashim Togalu is not uninterested in women, according to author Jason Goodwin, but he understandably prefers to devote his time to cooking, French novels and mysteries.

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  • Konrad Sejer


    Contrary to many other fictional investigators, Inspector Konrad Sejer of the Oslo police is a calm and collected person without stomach problems. His closest friends are his daughter and his dogs, Kollberg is one of them. Sejer is an efficient investigator who solves murder cases in Karin Fossum’s much-acclaimed, internationally renowned novels.

    Further reading

  • Erica Falck


    When her parents have died, author Erica Falck travels home to Fjällbacka, and she remains there. She becomes involved in a murder mystery, and meets Detective Inspector Patrik Hedström with whom she gets married and they make a family. With her help, he contributes to solving a row of cases. She is described as ‘very pretty’, and her personality is partly based on Camilla Läckberg’s own.

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