
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Morten Dahl-Nielsen


    He can’t be described as handsome, Chief Inspector Morten Dahl-Nielsen in Lund: a hunchbacked, somewhat overweight middle-aged man with hair that is thinning out more and more. And nor does he like his job, even though he is a clever and appreciated police detective. He divorced his wife Marja many years ago, but starts a relationship with his colleague Marianne Ingelstam, author K. Arne Blom tells us.

    Further reading

  • Meyer Meyer


    Max Meyer, of Polish-Jewish extraction, had a curious sense of humour: he named his son Meyer Meyer. The name contributed to the boy becoming the victim of bullies in school. As an adult, he turned completely bald, became a police detective, patient, and is married to the motherly Sarah with whom he has three children. He works in the 87th police district in Isola in police novels by Ed McBain (pseudonym for Evan Hunter).

    Further reading

  • Flavia de Luce


    In the 1950s, the motherless Flavia de Luce was not highly regarded by her father and sisters. She was indeed a rather ordinary and everyday 11-12-year-old (with dental braces), but mature for her age, and determined too, with a mind of her own and smart, and she busied herself with nasty-smelling chemistry experiments. Besides, she solved murders – for which the police resented her – in the books that Alan Bradley has written about her.

    Further reading

  • Fin Macleod


    A middle-aged, ordinary security director and former police detective in Edinburgh, who moves to the island of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides after his son has been killed in a road accident. This has also led to the collapse of his marriage with Mona. Fin Macleod is worn-out and sad, but in the so-called Lewis Trilogy by Peter May is involved in crime cases that he solves thanks to his knowledge of the island and its population.

    Further reading