
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Hercule Poirot


    The Belgian private detective Hercule Poirot worked for the Belgian police until Agatha Christie transferred him to England. Poirot is characterised by his vanity, his strong French accent, his egg-shaped head and his impressive moustache, and he solves crime in a string of classic whodunits. Poirot eventually became so famous that <i>The Times</i> published an obituary when Christie killed him off in one of her books.

    Further reading

  • Fin Macleod


    A middle-aged, ordinary security director and former police detective in Edinburgh, who moves to the island of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides after his son has been killed in a road accident. This has also led to the collapse of his marriage with Mona. Fin Macleod is worn-out and sad, but in the so-called Lewis Trilogy by Peter May is involved in crime cases that he solves thanks to his knowledge of the island and its population.

    Further reading

  • Peter Pascoe


    The well-educated, well brought-up, intelligent but somewhat unimaginative detective Peter Pascoe is the permanent companion to his brusque boss Andy Dalziel in the detective stories by Reginald Hill. Pascoe has problems: apart from Dalziel, he also has a father who has never been able to accept that his son become a policeman instead of a farmer, and he has a wife, Ellie – they have a child together – in a marriage that is in danger of falling apart.

    Further reading

  • Avi (Avraham) Avraham


    He isn’t so successful and sometimes makes mistakes which make him uncertain and melancholic. But author Dror Mishani describes the short, everyday detective Avraham Avraham in Holon – a suburb of Tel Aviv – as stubborn, and that means he gets results. He is single, spends his evenings in front of the telly, and admires his female boss, Ilana Lis, of whom he is a little afraid.

    Further reading