
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Münster


    Whether the middle-aged detective superintendent in the fictive Maadam has a first name, is unknown – his creator, Håkan Nesser, keeps quiet about that. But Münster’s wife is called Synn, and they live in a happy marriage with two children – which doesn’t prevent him from silently admiring other women. He plays badminton for the exercise, and he succeeds his boss Van Veeteren when the latter leaves the police force.

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  • Jonny Lilja


    He is a police officer, but also a gambling addict which means he has to help the mafia. That is not the only problem for Detective Inspector Jonny Lilja in Malmö. When his ex-wife Lena is murdered, he becomes a suspect. However, he pulls himself together, stops gambling and then moves in with his adoptive daughter, Maria. He is, according to author Olle Lönneaus, middle-aged, a bit shabby-looking, with a lined face and wide mouth.

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  • Adelia Aguilar


    Her full name is Vesuvia Adelia Rachel Ortese Aguilar, she lives in the 12th century and is a doctor. She is sent from Sicily to England to assist in the investigation of the murder of a child, and solves the case. Afterwards, she reluctantly stays in the country. She is dark-blond, beautiful and slim, and the unmarried mother of daughter Allie whose father is a bishop, we are told by Ariana Franklin (pseudonym for Diana Norman).

    Further reading

  • Gideon Fell


    The enormous Dr Fell, whose physical traits are modelled on G.K. Chesterton, is one of crime fiction’s foremost problem-solvers when it comes to ‘locked-room’ mysteries and other ‘impossible’ crimes. He also works on an ever-growing doctoral thesis about English drinking habits from bygone days, he likes his beer and is married – although his wife is only mentioned in a few of John Dickson Carr’s books about him.

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