
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Sean Duffy


    A young – he was born in 1950 – police detective posted in Carrickfergus in Northern Ireland during the 1980s. The IRA struggles are at their worst, and Sean Patrick Duffy doesn’t have an easy time as a Catholic in the Protestant Northern Ireland, according to author Adrian McKinty. Duffy has dark, curly hair and blue eyes, is temporarily single, likes listening to classical music and has hidden a bit of hashish in his garage.

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  • Ewa Moreno


    She is pretty, dark and intelligent, and also a police detective in author Håkan Nesser’s fictive town Maardam. She does, however, work on her own sometimes. Ewa Moreno has a platonic crush on her married colleague Münster, but first has relationships with the currency dealer Claes Bradher and later with her neighbour Mikael Bau. She appreciates well-prepared food and a glass of wine, and having a shower – for a long time.

    Further reading

  • Harriet Vane


    At the age of 29, crime writer Harriet Vane stands trial accused of having poisoned her lover. She is shown to be innocent by Lord Peter Wimsey, who falls in love with her and then in some of Dorothy L. Sayers’ novels courts the independent Vane. She participates in his investigations, but is not interested in a more intimate relationship with him. Eventually, however, she gives in, they get married and have three sons.

    Further reading

  • Kouplan


    He calls himself Kouplan, but his real name is Nesrine Amipour, born in 1968, and he is a transsexual guy in a woman’s body. He has trained as a journalist, but is now a refugee without papers in Sweden, homeless and unemployed. He supports himself by collecting drink-cans (and thus being able to cash in on the deposit) and works as a ‘private investigator’ in four novels by Sara Lövestam, while at the same time trying to ascertain what has happened to his Iranian family.

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