
Sample of Authors

Författarporträtt av Fitzek, Sebastian

Fitzek, Sebastian
1971 -

The German author and game constructor Sebastian Fitzek was born in Berlin. After studying at Charlottenburger...

Further reading
Portrait image of Nora Roberts

Roberts, Nora
1950 -

The American author Nora Roberts was born as Eleanor Marie Robertson in Silver Spring, Maryland. She grew up as the only...

Further reading
Författarporträtt av Nesser, Håkan

Nesser, Håkan
1950 -

Håkan Nesser was born in Elvesta Gård (manor) on the outskirts of Kumla. His father was a farmer, as were his family since t...

Further reading
Portrait of Lawrence Block

Block, Lawrence
1938 -

Lawrence Block is an American author of crime fiction born in Buffalo. He attended Antioch College, Ohio, between 1955 and...

Further reading