  • It is 59 years today since Michel Bussi was born.

    Michel Bussi, born in northern France, is a well-known scientist, since the 1990s a professor of Geo-politics – a speciality within Cultural Geography – at L'université de Rouen where he himself started to study at the age of 18. Until 2016 he was also in charge of Unité mixte de recherche (UMR) at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS). He is also one of the most successful and m...

    Further reading

Sample of Authors

Författarporträtt av Lindell, Unni

Lindell, Unni
1957 -

Unni Maria Lindell is one of Norway’s most productive and best selling authors. Although she is best known for her crime n...

Further reading
Portrait image of Denise Mina

Mina, Denise
1966 -

Denise Mina is a Scottish lawyer and author of crime novels. She was born in East Kilbride, Glasgow. Her father was an oil...

Further reading
Portrait of Anne McCaffrey

McCaffrey, Anne
1926 - 2011

The American author Anne McCaffrey has gained great international popularity with stories that are a wilful mixture of SF...

Further reading
Författarporträtt av Cleeves, Ann

Cleeves, Ann
1954 -

The British crime writer Ann Cleeves grew up in Herefordshire and North Devon, England. Her father was a teacher. After...

Further reading