
Hjorth, Michael

May 13, 1963
Crime literature
Portrait image of Michael Hjorth Photo: Ola Erikson / Forflex (2015)
Michael Hjorth was born in Visby, and has a chequered background. After finishing school in Sweden, he studied at a college in the USA and later also studied Film Science at university level in Sweden. He was worked as an editor for Swedish TV, and is now creative director, film director, scriptwriter and film producer in the Tre Vänner company together with Johan Kindblom and Tomas Tivemark with whom he has cooperated since 1992. They have worked with TV series such as Svensson, Svensson, and the feature film with the same title from 1997. They have been responsible for the production of films like Snabba cash (2010) and Wallander: Pyramiden (2007), and Hjorth has also worked with the screenplays for films like Bert – den siste oskulden (1995) and Steget efter (2005) as well as the TV series Mannen som log (2003). He has three children and has lived in Hägersten, Stockholm the last few years.

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